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Welcome to Astonish
Parallax Backgrounds, Onscroll Animations, 800+ Icons, Retina Ready,
4 Slider Options, Premium Plugins, One Page and Multi Page Layouts
and so much more.

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About Us

Astonish is a multi-purpose theme that can be used for a wide variety of uses. It has clean lines and a unique design that is sure to catch every visitors eye!

Fully Customizable

Built on the Bootstrap 3 framework. Fully commented and clean code. Valid HTML5 and CSS3.

Customer Support

We support our products 100%. If you need help, give us a shout. We want you to be 100% happy with your purchase.

Retina Ready

Astonish is primarily build using font icons and CSS3 techniques which means the site is 100% retina ready.

Over 800+ Icons

Astonish takes advantage of two excellent font icon resources. FontAwesome provides over 350+ icons and Icomoon provides over 450+ icons.

Unlimited Color Options

For a quick demonstration try out the color option menu. Astonish comes with 10 pre-made color styles but you can make it look however you want.

Easily Build Your Site

Astonish is built in sections so you can easily add and remove sections to quickly build your site the way you want.


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Our Features

Astonish has so many incredible features that will make your site stand out above all the rest. Check them out now below.

100% Responsive

Astonish is 100% responsive which means it looks incredible on every screensize and device.

New Animation Engine

We've built a custom jQuery script so you can easily add animations to your site.

Multiple Sliders

We've included a parallax slider, revolution slider, owl slider and bootstrap 3 carousel.

One Page and Multi Page

Astonish comes in a one page scrolling layout or a traditional multiple page layout.

View all of our Astonishing features on the shortcodes page

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View the incredible mountains of Switzerland

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

The vibrantly colorful frogs of Costa Rica

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

Travel on an exciting adventure to China

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

If you have to drive, cruise in style

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023
邮票价格邮票邮票图片邮票图片邮票吧中国邮票价格表邮票收藏猴年邮票鸡年邮票文革邮票江清修,一个刚出入江湖的少年,未及行侠仗义走遍天涯,便出师不利生死道消,却机缘巧合得以重生……用,我的“晶莹剔透”······去,映射你的“色彩斑斓”······使,你的天空更加的“绚丽多彩”······被,净化的“一尘不染”······(阿贝尔.水灵)入赘女婿如何受气难当,人生一路走向巅峰那年桃花开了,有人问:“什么才是江湖。” 少年想了想,“江湖无非就是一人一剑一壶酒,走遍天下。叮咚,哎呦,谁打我。”一个失去记忆的年轻人为了生存加入拾荒者大军,随着不断地探索,记忆也在慢慢恢复。时间流逝,脉络日渐清晰,彼时他才恍然,谁都无法逃脱命运的拨弄……窝囊废赘婿冯一洵,无意中得到天师传承,成为最后一名天师。 面对出轨的妻子,无情的岳母,比自己更窝囊的岳父。 冯一洵从此开启了不一样的人生。 妻子:老公,其实那是个误会。 岳母:一洵,妈妈真的知道错了。 岳父:哥,咱俩以后就当兄弟处!唐赤遇到了名为希德尼的主神,获取信仰值就可以为所欲为。见识过千奇百怪的人和事,经历过黑暗与光明。可谁说过时间越长越好呢。繁华的都市表面,总有下水道的耗子在黑影中与狼共舞,即便是白天也有阳光照射不到的地方,我也要做城市中最后的光芒,亮起夜港中最亮的那盏灯,焚尽黑暗。张天峰重回1993年,以90元豪博100万。 从实业入手,一招盲盒经济享誉全球。 入股双马公司,教两人玩转用户流量经济。 控股苹果集团,教乔布斯设计一款完美手机。 ...... 拥有前世记忆,赚钱非常简单。 这一世,张天峰要教未来富豪赚钱,让他们把自己送上首富的宝座!机缘巧合下,林星得到了神针空间,空间里有用不尽的灵水。 灵水喷洒过的果树,果子美味。 灵水种出来的花草,品相极佳。 灵水浇灌过的药材,价值翻倍。 除了种田,神针还有别的功能等待林星一一开发! 守着山头种树养花种草,养只看家猫,林星的小日子过得不要太滋润。 三番四次偶遇大明星顾若曦,她有一个林星的秘密……
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